Let me ask you a very important question. Would you like to get 10,000 web site visitors in one month to your web site? Using article marketing this is possible, but sorry to disappoint you there will be some work involved.
There are many different ways that you can use article marketing to drive traffic to your website. Also these visitors have a higher chance of buying your products. Chances are that they have already read many of your articles and that they already trust and like you so these leads will convert up to ten times better than leads from other sources. As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people only buy from people that they like and trust.
You may be asking how does article marketing work? Article marketing is when you write an article which is very informative on a specific niche topic. You give to the reader by sharing your expert knowledge. You take back when you include your link in the bio that allows your visitor to click through to your web site.
Now let us look at how this works in reality. When you publish your article you submit it to all the major article directories. This will drive traffic to your web site as people search on the search engines and find your article for content directly related to the keywords that they have typed in. Your articles will also be distributed over the internet as other webmasters publish your content. This provides external links to your website and increases your link popularity and your search engine rankings.
So if you start doing article marketing and write hundreds of articles it is possible to get 10,000 visitors to your website.
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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
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