Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories


To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Affiliate Marketing training would not be complete without explaining the HUGE upside to Article Marketing. Once implemented, these content specific articles will keep generating traffic literally for years after initial publish.

The internet marketer uses articles to direct traffic to a website or blog where he has a product or information. An article is NOT a sales page ... as such, it WILL BE rejected by the article directories. :-(

In considering utilizing article marketing, there are 5 specific steps required in order to gain benefit from the article.

1. Carefully choose a product or information that is the ultimate focus of your article.

2. Develop quality information regarding your subject. Your goal is to provide enough information for the reader to see the value, but you DON'T want to provide all the answers ... pique their curiosity to learn more.

3. Provide examples, tips, or tutorials to demonstrate how the subject will be beneficial.

4. Expand your points to paint a picture of the process. Be careful to keep your text informative without bordering on a 'sit-down' classroom session.

5. 'Shine your Apple' before submitting. Perform a complete review and edit as necessary.

It is ALWAYS advisable to save your article and walk away for awhile. We all have a tendency to write what we want to hear. Return to your draft and put your "subjective" face on. Get 'out of yourself', apply the basic steps, and see if your draft meets the criteria for the average viewer. Did you clearly define a problem and provide a practical answer or solution?

Does your article 'read' like a sales page? Generally, avoiding the use of first tense ("I") will help to generalize your points. Remember, you are NOT selling anything ... you ARE generating interest in your chosen topic. Keep in mind that your goal is not to appeal to everyone. Make sure that you have identified your target audience, and have provided enough information to grab their attention. Have you clearly defined the problem? Have you suggested a course of action that may offer a solution? Is your information unique, or can it be found in any number of throw away ebooks? The last thing that you want is for the viewer to go "yeh, yeh, yeh ... same old stuff".

Before you submit your article, make sure that you review your landing page destination from the Resource box. Are all of the links active? Are the keywords compatible? Is the subject of your landing site an expansion of the theme of the article? Do you add additional value?

Article marketing is a VERY effective tool for building your affiliate marketing business. Seek out sources of information that will help you fine tune your various article marketing campaigns ... Research is NOT a dirty word! :-)

An excellent report regarding article marketing tactics is available for FREE on the author's website. Pick up your copy, and begin exploring the many benefits from article marketing.

The author lives and works on 'The Big Island' near beautiful Hilo, Hi. For more information on article marketing and your FREE report, visit his website at and select "5 Essential Steps For Successful Article Marketing". This article may be duplicated PROVIDED the resource box is left intact.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

To get a website on top of the search engines, link building remains a crucial step to achieving high ranking. In many seo training classes link building is the most dreaded, class with aspiring seo experts. However, with today's modern internet tools it does not have to be difficult. Years ago it took extensive time, and management to achieve link building strategies. In present time, there is a few tricks that seo training class instructors have learned to make this task easier and more effective.

Over the years of seo training classes some simple and effective steps have been formulated to make it easier. Below is ten basic steps to help website owners with their link buildig strategies.

1.) Sign up for social bookmarketing sites - Sign up for some social bookmarking sites. Start with Digg and Del.i.cious, google bookmarks, and yahoo bookmarks

2.) Yahoo Answers - Ask a question relevant to your industry. Careful not to spam. Read the guidelines available on the yahoo answers page.

3.) Google groups - Join a google group.

4.) Blog - Start A blog. Some good blogs are wordpress, squidoo, and yahoo 360

5.) Forums - Participate in a forum. Do not advertise with these, use according to each guideline within the forums. But most places allows you to leave a signature with your url

6.) Leave Comments on other niche Blogs - Like a blog. Tell the about it and leave your URL

7.) Press Releases - Do a quality press release. If others like your information they will use your information.

8.) Submit your site to Directories - Some good directories to start with is DMOZ, Yahoo Directories, and Business.

9.) Write an article - Write a quality article with some tips, you cannot advertise your URL outwardly, but you can within the resource box

10.) Have a good article - Submit it to Digg

These are the beginning steps to link building strategies. Some find the task of link building daunting, while others love the challenge. Search engine optimization is not a strategy that you can turn on and you are in the top spots on the search engines. Its steps to master the key to what the search engines find appropriate today. However, through times the art and strategies of link building appear to still hold a value when reaching the desired effects of search engine optimization.

Megan Vaillancourt
Leader and Founder of Mentors 4 U Team / Supporting Passport To Wealth Members Teaching networkers what 95% of marketers don't know.

Specializes in seo training classes, web design, and network marketing strategeis For a complete overview of the powerful business model Passport To Wealth and the Mentors that are creating the highest duplication records in the industry visit.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing service is defined as a simple form of advertising used by many businesses that write short articles which relate to their industry and its functioning. Although this term may sound new, let me assure you it isnt. In fact, it is used by almost all professionals and is old as the mass print media itself.

You can find niche marketing articles, article marketing websites, article marketing net etc and many more , each having their own specific features . For e.g. Niche marketing articles bring down the focus of the huge population on very specific products or services that are being offered. Many businesses adapt to niche marketing services to explore the untapped potential of their products/services in the highly competitive markets. There are niche marketing service providers offering their services .

Well, if you may be thinking, How do I practice article marketing for my service? then here it is. First, you need to challenge yourself to organize and keep the content very simple and easy to understand. Next, it is important to remember that those visiting your article marketing content on the web have to get the maximum information needed. Finally, every article should have a bio box and a by line which helps the reader to get in contact with the authors business.

Thus, we can say that article marketing service can bring big fortunes to the authoring business and amass new clientele. So what are you waiting for? Pick up your pen, put on your thinking hat and start writing. Of course, if you would rather leave it to the pros

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

"Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is ... so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding." -- Abraham-Hicks

Most of us wish we were geniuses but almost none of us feel that we are. Society tells us that the Einsteins of the world come along maybe once in a generation.

But you are a genius - we all are. At what? At being you. And that may be enough to help you create online success. Why?

Ever look around on the web and find that most online businesses are, well . . . boring? Loud? Obnoxious? And definitely unappealing? Ten-page ads are NOT appealing. Empty promises of making thousands of dollars in a few weeks - appealing, but not very realistic. This mass of unappealing web content is the result of people trying to be the model of success - but these people have forgotten to be themselves.

At the other end of the spectrum, look at what's really a success online: social networking. MySpace, YouTube, Facebook. What's that all about? These sites are about people being themselves. They show themselves as they really are--grungy, attractive, silly, sad, and smart by turns. Other people are really attracted by that authenticity.

Some MySpace users have over 1.5 million friends. Count 'em. Yup, we said millions. What are they doing? Nothing but putting a spotlight on who they are. They are geniuses at being themselves, and that attracts.

You are also a genius at being you. So if you want to attract people online to your business, be the genius that you are. Don't hide your personality under a bush or cloak it in a lot of "expert" bull-pucky. Express yourself!

Whether you write articles, author a blog, put up a page on MySpace or post a YouTube video, the germ of success for you lies in your own genius.

The age of the guru is over. The age of "people like me" is here, now. People want to interact with people like them, people like you.

Whoever you are and whatever you're situation, write about it so people can connect with you. Connecting is as simple as letting people know not just who you are, but how you are. Describe your situation and BE HONEST. Are you a mom stuck at home dealing with dirty diapers and toilet training but longing for some time and money for yourself? Then say so. If you haven't washed your hair in three days because you don't have time to, but you really want enough time and money to hire a babysitter, dress up for a few evenings of adult conversation and wine ... then blurt it out!

If people can have 1.5 million "friends" online talking about their most recent fight with their boyfriend or a bad day at work, just think of what you can do with your home-based business by just being you? Blog, submit articles, write reviews, set up a business website, get a MySpace page ... whatever. Just don't lose your personality along the way.

As Coco Chanel, the grande dame of fashion, once said:

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone."

Stephanie Yeh and her business partner, Leta Worthington, are the Pajama Mamas, XanGo independent distributors and founders of No Brainer Networking, the network marketing site for people who hate to network (and want to earn a profit in their pajamas!). The Pajama Mamas have over 2 decades of success in networking marketing. Learn more and access free home-based business resources at

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Every webmaster dreams of having huge and steady traffic to their website so they can easily sell their products and services to their potential clients. This is the reason why they are in constant search for marketing tools can help them realize this goal. Good thing article marketing is here. This is the most efficient and cost-effective website and product promotional tool that can easily augment website traffic and boost online sales.

Here are the 5 phenomenal secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Focus on the needs of your readers. Never write your articles based on your interest or information that you need to know. You have to keep in mind that the key to succeed in article marketing is effectively giving your readers what they need. When you are able to do so, your readers will most likely to click on your website to get more information.

2. Use striking titles. This is the most important element in your article marketing that will ultimately define your clickthrough rate. If your headlines are catchy, attention-grabbing, intriguing, well-written, and communicate the readers' benefits, your articles have great chances of being open and read.

3. Keep your articles short and sweet. As you are writing for audience who have short attention span, you must create articles that run between 300-500 words.

4. Increase the number of your articles. There are so many benefits in writing more articles for your marketing campaign. These includes: stronger online presence, positioning yourself as expert on your chosen niche, more inbound links for your website, and increased search engine traffic.

5. Keep your content focused. By this, I mean never introduce ideas or new information that is totally irrelevant to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Let me just kind of give you some insight into this. In theory, only one copy of your article is going to get ranked anywhere ever at any time. So if you put it on your own website and Google captures it first, assuming that they give you credit for it, assuming that you've got some page rank etc, assuming that their filters do a good job of giving you credit for it first, if you put it on EzineArticles, that page is probably not going to show up in normal search results anyway. It's probably going to be shuttled over to supplemental results and not going to show up in top 10 results anyway.

So if you're going to put it on your site, why put it on EzineArticles? Now if you put it on EzineArticles first, unless your site has a higher page rank than 6 or 5, depending on what page you're on in EzineArticles, there's no sense in putting it on yours.

My advice to people is write separate articles. If you need content for your site, write one article, and then when you submit articles, write separate articles.

I don't think there's any good reason to put an article on your site and on EzineArticles if you're looking for traffic and links and that type of thing from it.

Now if you've got a lot of articles on EzineArticles and you want them all indexed there and you want people to be able to see them there, then maybe there's a case to put some of those duplicates on your own site.

But I think that long-run the wisest strategy is if you put something on your site, don't submit it anywhere else. I think that pretty much answers that question.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When an internet marketer tries to market their products, they usually fail because they have no idea how to do it. But every internet marketing experts knows how to market a product fast and get people to buy them. This method is called article marketing.

Article marketing is easy to do, and if you use this method in you products marketing, you'll start seeing people noticing your products and even buying them. It really is easy. All you have to do, is write articles! SIMPLE! You've been writing ever since you've learned how to, and now, you can use this skill to make money. All you need to do is write about your product, and viola! You've just successfully marketed your product.

That is just the basics however. You must write lots of articles. I mean a lot. The article marketing secret is for you to flood your industry with you articles. It's not hard, it really isn't. It takes only 1 hour to write about 6 articles. You can even write 10 in an hour if you get really good at it. The more you write about it, the more your product will get more publicity.

I'm not talking about writing Shakespeare. Take this article for example, it's not the greatest piece of literature that you've ever read is it? But you're reading aren't you? That means it's working! I sent in an article, and now my audience, you, are reading it. So this is living proof, that this marketing tactic really does work.

But it will only work with the best results if you write a lot of articles about your industry. And the best way to do that, is to keep writing, without stopping. Don't think about what you should write about next, just do it. Just write, the more you do, the better you become, and the more publicity your products get!

Looking for some internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I've got a bunch! Check out my free website at

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is simply the best way to get tons of people to your website for free. Your traffic can really skyrocket by just simply taking no more than about 10 minutes to write one article. Now mind you, one article is guaranteed to get you success, the more articles that you write, the more you get closer to success with articles.

Some of you might be saying, why should I write in my spare time when I can simply post ads and exchange links? Because these traffic building results pale in comparison to article marketing. So why should you write articles?

Article marketing for success

  • When you write an article, the soul purpose of that article is to get more traffic delivered to your website. That is the purpose of any article. You don't do any kind of work except to create it, once that's done, the article takes care of itself. It's simple just an autopilot traffic building system.

  • Search engine's give high page rankings to articles. This reason alone should be reason enough to take on article marketing. Search engines give your articles higher page rankings than most websites.

  • Articles can dominate your keyword and grant you first page rankings with search engines. Look for yourself, type in psp download into google. This is a highly advertised keyword, and look at the first page, there's an article from ezinearticles! The publicity that an article can give you can be lucrative.

  • Articles help you get noticed in your industry and gets you seen as an expert. When someone reads an article, they think of you as an expert on whatever you're writing about. Just by simply writing an article, you're going to get your traffic thinking that your a reliable source who knows what they're doing.

  • Article marketing is free and easy to do. Writing articles is the best guerilla internet marketing tactic, and it's totally free to do. Any article hosting server can let you publish your articles, and it's easy to do. Just write an article of about 300-500 words. Then click the submit button and your done!

Article marketing should be used to your internet marketing advantage and it should be quickly implemented into your online marketing strategy!

Trying to build traffic to your website? You can find wonderful ebooks and videos on how to get huge sums of web traffic at my website

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you read a lot of articles, youve probably noticed a box that includes a number of links at the end of each article. This is called the authors biography, bio, or resource box. The links located in the resource box are the authors payment for writing the article.

Different authors put different types of information in their resource boxes, depending on their goals. Some writers add their biographical information into this section. These authors are trying to build up their reputation in a particular field.

Many authors write articles to increase traffic to their website. In this case, they will add a link to their websites sign-in (squeeze) page. Others write articles to generate income. These writers add links to their own products or to affiliate products that they are recommending. Some submission sites will allow an author to include up to three links in a resource box, and others will allow just one or two. Take full advantage of the resource box and place the maximum number of links that the site will allow.

With my articles, I always place the first link to my sign-in page. To be successful in the Internet marketing business, you need a large list of subscribers. By adding a link to my sign-in page in each of my articles, I am always increasing the size of my list. As the size of my list increases, so does my income.

My second link will usually be for one of my own products. To be successful in this business, you need your own product. You will make much more money selling your own product than selling someone elses. If you dont have your own product yet, you should definitely work toward that goal. All of the really successful Internet marketing people have their own products.

My third link will point toward another one of my products or an affiliate product that is related to the content of the article. If you can recommend a product that is related to your article, you will usually see a larger number of clicks from that link.

I never use html in my resource boxes, even if a site states that you can. The reason for this is simple. Some of the ezines that run your article from an RSS feed will publish in plain text only. In these cases, the hard work that you put into your resource box will look like a jumbled mess. For that reason, I use plain text in all of my resource boxes.

Free eBooks! Free downloads
Make Money! Build Your List!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I have been attempting to learn about web promotion and web marketing since 1999, this was the year that my main website went live on the internet. Strategies that worked only last year have now come and gone as tends to happen in this ever changing industry. There are however a number of website promotion techniques that have worked for the last eight years and continue to be successful. I am the first to admit that I have made many errors when trying to improve my websites search engine ranking, but would like to think that I have learnt from them. As well as making mistakes, I have also gained a great deal of knowledge in this period and will share some of this with you, in this article.

Each webmaster should have a list of keywords or key phrases that they would like to be highly ranked for in the major search engines. For example the main key phrase for my site is stuttering treatments. I have worked very hard at attempting to attain the number one position in Google for this phrase. Each of these keywords/phrase should appear some where on the homepage of your website. This enables the search engines to find your site for that word/phrase when it does its crawl.

Content is king, this is a big phrase in the world of search marketing. The content of your website should be unique and of value to its readers.

One of the main ways of gaining a high search engine position is by obtaining a large number of backward links, including some high quality ones from other trusted websites.

In the past webmasters were able to buy these links. Things have now moved on and this practice has now all but ended as it goes against the guidelines of the main search engine which of course is Google.

I personally believe strongly in article marketing. Writing articles has seemingly been a very popular and successful way to promote a website, since the internet was born. It continues to provide me personally with great results. It goes back to the content is king ethos.

I hope this little bit of advice proves to be beneficial to you.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

Therapy for stuttering
Cure for stammering

In 2007, I started to do SEO article writing.

Even though I've been freelancing since 1993, this is a very new form of writing for me. To date, most of my clients had been small business owners who commission newsletters, brochure copy, articles for their websites, etc. I have some corporate clients who outsource their editing/rewriting work to me, eg, editing annual reports.

I decided to give SEO writing a try for four reasons:
i) I was bored with my existing workload;
ii) I'd read a lot about SEO writing and knew that it was going to be lucrative long-term;
iii) there's not a lot of competition in the field (not for good, quality writers anyway); and
iv) it's quick turnaround (in pay and assignments).

As an aside, it fits my rather schizophrenic writing personality too in that I may write five articles in one day on extremely different topics - from wedding accessories to mortgages. As my brain likes to flit from project to project, this works great for me.

How to Break into a New Freelance Writing Niche Quickly & Profitably!

As this was a completely different field for me, I had to start marketing from scratch. Following is how I went from 0 to making $250/day in about three week's time.

Marketing for New Clients? Here's a 3-Step Plan that Works Every Time

1) Website: I took about a week to build a website specifically for this type of writing.

2) Research: I compiled a list of SEO companies I wanted to contact for work.

3) Contact: I contacted them - one at a time, using the names of appropriate contacts where possible and at minimum mentioning the company in the email when no specific name could be found.

Marketing Success by the Numbers: What makes this plan work every time is that you make contact every day with a certain number of firms. In my case, I decided to contact - at minimum - 20 companies a day.

On the very first day of marketing, I received two inquiries from companies wanting to use me for pending projects starting the next month.

About three days later, I received another inquiry from a potential client who wanted to package my services with a presentation he was giving to secure a client. And, in the second week, I landed a client who gave me 4 writing projects in three days.

This client is a large SEO marketing firm and wants to put me on their permanent staff of writers (we'll see how this pans out).

While nothing beyond the current 14 writing assignments has panned out, the point I'm trying to get across is that if you make enough contacts, you will get work - especially in the SEO sector.

The best part of being an SEO content writer? You can start with no experience, no samples and no website.

Good luck if you decide to give this type of writing a try.

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. Visit to learn more about how to start an SEO writing career. It's one of the easiest ways to start making money as a freelance writer, especially if you have no experience.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Why Submitting Articles is so Popular

Have you ever wondered why there are so many article directories online? How do they get so many good, helpful articles? I am going to share some information with you that is one of the best forms of marketing your ideas and products online. Submitting articles continues to be one of the most effective methods in bring attention to your concepts and the best part of it is, you submit articles free.

You can submit family law articles, father's day articles, leadership articles, business articles and health articles to article directories. The question you may have is WHY? Before I answer the "why" let me explain how. Submitting articles should always be for people to read and learn. The finest articles online are helpful and educational to readers. They do not engage in hardcore selling tactics. When you compose an article to submit to any reputable directory such as,, or, help your readers by sharing your genuine expertise. In the long run this strategy will pay off ten fold.

Now we have covered the how let's talk about why? Every article you write will have links back to your website. This allows readers to explore the subject further if they wish. Although link popularity seems to be a main motivational factor for submitting articles, there are many other benefits for aspiring writers. Here's a few...

Reasons for Submitting Articles?

  • Write a tutorial on your unique product or service
  • Generates new traffic to your web-site resulting in new leads
  • Flaunt your expertise in your field
  • Your site will naturally climb search engine placement with unique, non duplicated, interesting articles
  • Warms up clientele to your products and services
  • Cultivate new business partners
  • Build a repetitive flow of growing traffic to your web site.

Want a boat load of new visitors to your website? Create FREE sample offerings

Article marketing plays a big-time role in search engine marketing. When consumers do a business search for your product does your site show in the top ten? If you answered yes, congratulations. If you answered no, when is the last time you checked the ranking of your expert articles that you have submitted? You may be shocked to learn that your article submission is outranking your own website. Tie search engine article marketing into email marketing, investigate buying modes of people and you might just be pleasantly surprised with results. The results will be driven by your ability to create emotional content that leads your prospects through a smooth solution to their problem(s).

Emotional Writing

It is important that you write with emotion that relates to your readers. Let me help you understand my point. Emotional content writing requires research. It will take you a little longer to write an article that cries and laughs with your targeted readers but the ROI is well worth the extra time. Let's suppose that you want to write an article on buying a car. The model of the car is new, "The Frog BM 2000" (fictitious). Before writing this article, research what buyers and experts are saying. Go to a few forums that discuss your chosen topic and read what people are posting. Are they happy? Are they sad? Are they pi**ed off? If so why? Get a feel for the buyers that have taken delivery of their new "Frog BM 2000". Now that you can feel emotions from buyers you can write in their face. Relate to the problems you know they are experiencing. Warn new readers about these problems. Provide solutions for these problems. Do you see where I am going with this now? Once you master the art of emotional copy writing you are on a very intimate level indeed.

Don't Stop There!!

As a copywriter you can take it a step further and author your own e-book, then sell your book on eBay, ClickBank or through PPC search engine marketing. Find a business to business search engine like and purchase a directory listing for your novel or ebook. I have heard countless reports from good writers that swear by this.

Trying to get ranking on search engine result pages can be time consuming with no certainty. I recommend that you stop putting energy into deliberately gaming search engines and focus on marketing yourself to people through article submissions. Especially if you are submitting articles that are heavily duplicated. I recommend to STOP submitting the same article to multiple directories to avoid a potential duplication penalty. I personally find it best to focus content writing in areas that you are very knowledgeable in. Search engines will naturally pick up any expert article that people are flocking to...without any effort on your part AT ALL.

Directories, guides, on topic forums and blogging can bring more qualified traffic than any engine will ever bring. You may even find yourself in the position of getting a proposal from a search engine marketing company simply because they like your writing style. What next? Celebrate your success, take some time out, and spend it with your dog, cat, wife, husband, or children. You deserve it. But strike while the iron is hot! It is not time to claim victory and relax. When you strike a soft spot with people, determined only by the growing steady stream of readers to your article, expand on it. Offer more highly targeted solutions to problems YOU KNOW they are experiencing and start submitting articles that are sound solutions. There must be more you can find out about the "Frog BM 2000" that would be really helpful.

Watch the new visitors flock to your website.

What are a few of the types of writing an author should/ could practice?

  • Author of business plans
  • Writing and expanding letters of resignations
  • Prepare copy for love letters
  • An author of book proposals
  • An article writer of formal letters
  • Generate journal articles for magazine articles
  • Newsletter article writing
Don't forget to always exercise article writing research on your theme topic.

It is time to laugh right to the bank for writers, health writers, writers on forums and general writer services. There are opportunities galore for people with the ability of writing with inspiration and emotion. Some of the common reasons authors engage in submitting articles include appealing to search engines, creating brand awareness, or deliver a viral message to the masses. But the more significant your information or theme according to your b2b marketplace is, the more meaningful the reading popularity of your article writing will be to readers.

Do you have a statement of purpose or a lesson plan?

If you don't you will need one, especially if you plan on being seen as an expert in your business writings. I recommend you take a zoomed out view of your expertise. What else is related? Expert article writing takes time, but once you have to right stuff you can almost name your price. Many authors ask where can I submit articles and get paid? The answer is many allow access to marketplaces that permit advertisers to compensate a writer for a quality write-up. One such example is But I still question the ROI compared to article marketing? In the long run becoming an expert writer at or any other well-respected article submission directory will bring a steady flow of targeted traffic to your site on a regular basis. For longevity I have no doubt that submitting articles in original form will win the race of effective marketing and deliver ongoing results.



John, the blog master for is a writer for a internet marketing help website that accepts article submissions only in original form. Authors that submit original (non-duplicated) are rewarded with many exciting perks for writers that share unique perspectives. More here

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Inbound links can do amazing things for your website. Most people just think of links in terms of traffic, but other considerations may be even more valuable. That is of inbound links distinguishing you as an expert, helping your search engine results, putting your product in front of visitor to create sales and generating sales.

When it comes to traffic, not all websites can be blessed with top search engine results. That means traffic needs to be driven from links on other sites. The higher the amount of inbound links your site has, the more doorways to your products there are. So get all the links you can from directories (such as the, link partners, forums and resource boxes in articles. These resources can drive traffic to your door.

A side effect of generating links to drive traffic is that it increases your link popularity. This can improve your rankings within the search engines as inbound links are a sign of the quality and relevance of your website. The more popular your site is with inbound links this higher your search engine results will can be. Google highly values this and everyone wants to do well in Google.

By writing quality articles and submitting them for online publication you can not only create back links, but also an expert status. By writing articles with valuable content you set yourself up as an online resource for those topics. So in addition to receiving a couple initial links, you can generate and authority status for that topic and have the possibility for additional links.

Most URLs do not give an indication of what a given site is about. For the search engines to see that we use something called anchor text in the link. The anchor text should be descriptive of the site and will tell the search engines the topics of your site. It will give relevance to your site for those keywords and boost your sites search results for those relevant topics.

When you achieve several pages of unique and valuable content other sites will start linking to your site. Those other sites will do this in a way of providing valuable content on their site. As other high ranking sites do this, Search Engines will start to take notice. Those same Search Engines will start to view your site as an Authority Site and you will enjoy a surge in page rank and traffic.

As you can see inbound links to your site play a vital role in its success or failure. The benefits of them can play a huge role in your sites future success. Do not underestimate their value in generating revenue and your products visibility to consumers.

The Authority Directory is a powerful, human edited directory. Visit now and while there, take a look at our Authority Directory Art Gallery.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

An important factor in SEO is the existence of Meta tags in the source code of web pages.There is many factors that affect a website's performance in the search engine. One key factor in the Search Engine Optimisation of a website is Meta tags.

Meta tags are additional pieces of code that you can add into your web pages. These used to have a lot more impact than they do today but they are still part of the overall picture. There are 3 main types to consider - the Meta Title, the Meta Description and the Meta Keyword

The Meta Title is the bit that appears in the blue bar on. This is currently the most important Meta tag in Google. This tag should reflect what the page is about, and also utilize keyphrases where appropriate.

The Meta Description - This is the bit that appears on some of the search engine result pages and should be well written. When you do a search is it always the one in first place you click on, or the one that catches your eye? You can also incorporate some keyphrases here as well.

Meta Keywords - Is where you tell the engine the keywords or keyphrases the page is about and should be the ones you want to get results for. The most common mistake is by people who know a little about SEO who tend to stuff these Metas with as much as they can. If you overdo it you can be classified as spam.

It makes sense though that if you properly target your pages to have 1 or 2 keyphrases then you have a better chance of getting results than if you try to target 50 per page.

Usually, web designers will include the meta tags and this will be the extent of their SEO process; however the inclusion of good meta tags is just a part of the overall process and that's why they fail to compete against expert SEO'rs

For great website design Edinburgh this would be a good choice and also offer online storefront software solutions.

It is important though to think about other factors as well in the keyphrases. One thing to steer away from is: a lot of businesses think it's a good idea to use their competitor's names in their tags and get traffic meant for them. You wouldn't get very far trying to open a business with their name and the same laws more or less apply online.

Michael Hanna
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