Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The question has been posed on the top online article submission site on the Internet. The number one article submission site on Planet Earth: "How many articles does it take to become perceived as being the market authority on a narrow or broad topic?"

This is an interesting question and perception is also a very interesting word as well. For one to be perceived as an expert in a subject matter they would most likely need enough articles to fill up a 50,000 word eBook. If their average article was 500 to 1,000 words then that would be between 50 to 100 well-written articles. Even if they cut them down to 300 to 400 word bite size articles on many various sub-topics we are still talking well over 100 articles you see.

If an online article author has fewer than 25 articles on a subject, it might be hard for a reader to perceive them as being a leading authority on a broad subject. Even a narrow topic they would need to be able to fill up a 10,000 to 20,000 word research paper and that would be about 20 to 40 articles. So, either way we are really looking at more than twenty articles before the reader's perception would be inclined to label you as an expert or leading authority from their perspective.

The fascinating thing about this subject is that it is indeed a reader preference call, meaning that there is no wrong or right absolute answer, so as the leading authority on online article authoring, I simply lead you with this thought to consider. You make the call.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

When you plan to launch your respected internet website base business, you should think about establishing good relations with such folks as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, and other titans on the internet ranking and search market. This is where you need to decide if you would like to outsource this part of the business to internet search optimization subcontractor or face the issue personally. When you decide to deal with this on your own, you need to be aware about linking strategy and modern side of it - articles and press release publication in the free press media portals. In this small publication we are following the restriction of genre are trying to give you highlights and initial directions.

1. Press Release Media sites. Well, if you are new to these folks out there, please do the search on Google: submit press release - you will see who is servicing you if you are PR submitter. The key point to keep your eye on is when this specific media site published PR last time - for example it they are not current for few months - then you can not relay on these people to get you to the top of search engines. Other PR questioning technique is verifying their Google page rank - if they have pagerank of three and below - you should probably be skeptical about them as they are probably in the Google so-called sandbox.

2. Articles Submission Sites. At this time, you should be easily finding a lot of PHP portals, which means that these people didn't pay a lot for establishing their articles publication sites. Real Article portal requires custom programming and software development. We are not saying that PHP doesn't do the job, however PHP direction requires a lot of distinguishing thinking through to make their site to be ranked high on the leading internet search engines.

3. Internet Search spiders overview. Googlebot is probably the most desired spider to be welcomed to visit your web site. Then yahoo slurp and Microsoft msnbot is the next in line or in some cases preferred to yahoo.

4. When you article or PR are submitted, what to expect. Here, all the new technology wade off and you have to deal with pretty ancient scenario of gazette publishers, where all the internet engines have to comply to. Market will be voting for your article or PR to go higher or lower. Whatever you do - like purchasing high end notebook or installing latest service pack for Microsoft Vista will not help in making you higher - market place will be in charge and this is what was happening from ancient times.

Andrew Karasev, Pegas Planet Articles: -, serving internet publishing since 2004. Special attention to student writers. Please submit your article or press release at

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Recently Chris Anderson published a book call the Long Tail. He goes into great detail about on how the ecommerce model is set up ideally for the Long tail and it can have the greatest impact on your business. But How can you really take advantage of that knowledge and do search engine optimization for the occasional visitor?

First you need to understand what the Long Tail really is. In a nutshell the Long Tail is the segmenting of the larger Market into very specific niches and sub-niches. For example if the general market you are in is Pets then a niche would be exotic or domestic, indoor or outdoor, Large or small, etc. Sub-niches of those could be cats, dogs, fishes, birds etc. You could segment it into even more sub niches from there by taking dogs and putting them into large, small, long haired, short hair, child friendly etc. The possibilities are really endless and that is the inherent problem with the Long Tail effect. With so many possibilities it does not become financial or physically possible to do effective Search engine optimization for all the possibilities that will be used by everyone.

SEO Challenges

You must know how your visitor is reaching your site. The are infinite possibilities on how this can happen so you want to be able to track it when it happens. If you are not using some type of Web Analytic Software then you should start immediately. Google makes it's analytic available to anyone who uses their Adwords service.

Once you have analytics in place you can look for trends of the visitor that come to your site. Here are things to check for

  • Keyword terms and phrases used
  • Web site they came from
  • Pages more frequently visited
Once you have that information you can see the patterns that your visitor leave you. Check out the relationship between keyword terms and phrase to the type of site and web pages that your visitor spend the most time on.

This will give you valuable information an any type of sub-niche that you can now target.

In Part 2 of the article we will look at how to segment your seo results and the best practices to get it done.

SEO You Can Use For Your Everyday Business Check out our SEO Blog Today

Copyright 2006-2007 - Mical Johnson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In today scenario when we talk about Search Engine Optimization, we also talk about one of the most important aspect of SEO, which is Link Building. But there are different types, aspects and limitations of Link Building, which would be discussed now under

1.Types of Link Building: I would be explaining this factor in a more understandable manner with giving some examples with Site1, Site2 and Site3.

a)One Way Linking: One Way Linking is a type of Link Building where a site links to another site without getting a link back

Example: Site1 links to Site2 One of the best ways of generating One Way Links is Directory Submissions

You can submit your site in different free directories like Dmoz, Yahoo Directory (Paid Also) and many others

Limitations of One-Way Linking

One of the most desired limitations of One-Way linking is time Consuming process and the confirmation of getting listed in Directories is not fixed

b)Two Way Linking: Mostly known as Reciprocal Linking, this is one of the most effective and fast method of creating quality incoming links towards your site. Two Way Linking is process of exchanging links between 2 sites of similar theme. (As per latest Google Semantic Indexing)

Example: Site1 Links to Site2 and in return Site2 Links back to Site1 The best method to create Reciprocal Links is to contact theme based sites, which you can think can be involved in your Linking Parameters and ask them for a Link Exchange with your site

There are no limitations in this type of Linking as this is one of the most effective and fastest methods of creating incoming traffic to your site.

c)Three Way Linking: This can also be termed as a better way of obtaining One-Way Links to your site, as in this process there is One-Way and Reciprocal Linking Involved

Example: Site1 Links to Site2, But in place Site2 Links Site1 on Site3

Aspects to be Looked Before While creating Links

1.The partners site Page Rank of the page where he has placed your link

2.Whether the page where your link has been placed is indexed in Search Engines or not

3.One most important factor is the theme of the site. Eg: If you have a site related to Web Design you can exchange links with site related to shoes or gifts, you should link with sites related to Web only

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Link Building Freelancer


To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I submit 3 articles a day to 25 directories each. It would not be possible if I had to do it manually. However, using article submission software, I can submit each article in about 15 minutes. I use Article Submitter, but there are many article submission software programs available. You can find them by doing a search.

Most of these programs come with 100 or more article directories programmed into the system. That makes it very easy to do the submissions. In most cases, just click on the directories that you would like to submit to.

The first time you use your article submission program, you will need to register with each article directory. When registering, use your email address as your user name. By doing this, you know that you will be the only user with that name. In addition, use the same password with each directory. It makes future submissions much easier. The initial sign up procedure takes some time but in the long run, you will save tons of time.

If I tried to submit my articles manually, it would take an hour or more for each article. So, I save about 45 minutes for each article I submit. And on occasion, I will submit an article to 50 of the largest sites; this would take a couple of hours. So you can see the time savings is substantial. This leaves more time available to write additional articles.

Using article submission software can make you significantly more productive if you submit articles with any frequency. In fact, it can make the difference between success and failure in the article marketing area. If you are submitting articles to generate traffic or income, you would do well to look into getting one of the article software submission programs.

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Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most successful Internet marketers today agree that having a mailing list is important. Search engine rankings might plummet and pay per click ads may become too expensive to be effective, but your subscribers will always be there. If you have responsive subscribers, you have the power to create money on demand. But is a big list really important?

Well, many marketers say that the quality of the list is more important than the quantity. That is true to a certain extent. If you have a large list but nobody is buying your offers, then your list is not worth much. But if your subscriber base is small and very responsive, it's certainly worth a lot.

But while we are at it, why not build a large subscriber base? Indeed, why not? If you have quality and quantity, isn't that the ideal situation? Having a large and responsive email base of people to mail out to should be the ultimate goal of every online entrepreneur. If you have the ability to funnel in quality leads, then why not generate more of them? You should!

Imagine if you have a leads base of 1,000 subscribers and they are highly responsive. Now, imaging if you have 2,000 leads of the same quality. You would definitely make more money!

So if you want real success in an online business, focus on quality and quantity when building your opt-ins. When you do this, success will not be far away at all! You will be able to generate money pretty much any time you want!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

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Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is an advertising technique. An engaging article is used to hook the reader, and provide basic information and education. The articles are succinct and quickly pull the reader in. By providing the reader with a start, they can help the reader to locate additional information and services of interest to them. Article marketing is a new but powerful approach to business.

By utilizing the tactical placement of words, the article that was written is flagging what is known as the internet spiders, all while the reader is being engaged. If these keywords are placed just right, the site will gain a high rank with the search engines but not seem overly wordy or riddled with keywords.

If you are able to write one of these articles a day, you will be a great asset to your company. Adding these articles each day will make your rating on various search engines go up. You do not have to do very much work to make your business look good and gain new visitors with article marketing.

The most important thing to remember when you are going to use article marketing for your website is that you must use unique articles each time you post something new. Copies of articles and anything that is not unique content will not help you gain a higher rating or customer base. Customers do not want to see the same old thing everywhere that they look.

To this end, it is important to create a new and fresh article each day. This will keep your old readers interested and will make your business look experienced to your new readers. The more people that are interested in your articles, the more likely you are to sell more products. In the end, you gain profit.

As a growing area of marketing nowadays, the use of articles is a highly successful approach to selling products or services. Be sure to publish fresh ideas which haven't been published elsewhere online. Doing this will enable you both to realize a profit and increase your rating in the popular search engines with a minimum of effort.

Article marketing is a new way of advertising. These articles are very interesting and designed to hook the reader. This is a new and very strong approach to the world of business. All articles written are very unique articles, you must make sure that the article are unique to keep readers interested. Another key factor is unique content, which is just as important to keep the readers hooked. You want to make sure that the articles are interesting and grab attention. They must also keep the readers attention so that customers keep coming back.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Increasing website traffic is the name of the game on the internet. It's important to note, however that there is no one thing that can bring instant traffic or ongoing sales. It's a combination of strategies that promote contact and networking.

Not all strategies work for everyone, so it's important to know what the options are, utilize a few that look appealing and stick with what works for you.

Here's a few tips and strategies that have worked for me. Give them all a try or perhaps just one. Any or all can make a healthy difference:

1. Write A Press Release

A press release is not a sales pitch and sales hype is not allowed. It is, however, your chance to provide your business story which can be a powerful form of marketing. When writing your press release you'll want to provide the who, what, where, when, how and why of your business. Create interest by detailing who you are, what you are about, why you went into business, but more importantly, how your customers have benefited.

An effective press release can create a newsworthy story that is capable of creating buzz and interest all across the web for a long time to come.

2. Create A Blog

Whether you have a website or not, a blog is an ideal tool for giving you and/or your business a favorable presence.

Think of a blog as a diary. Create your blog by posting your products and information. Then on a daily or weekly basis add additional products, information or comments. Invite comments from others and before you know it you'll have a steady stream of visitors.

If you don't have a website, creating a blog is a great place to start and you can create one for free. If you do have a website, a blog will help generate visitors. The beauty of blogs is that you can also add Google adsense ads for additional revenue.

3. Create Special Offers

A limited time sales offer will encourage your visitors to act. If you have customers that are interested in your products, give them an occasional boost by holding a sale. Chances are they've been eyeing your products for some time, and with a special offer incentive, they just might take the leap.

4. Use Pay Per Click Advertising

Every internet business owner should consider pay per click advertising. It's fast, it's targeted and can be cheap if done correctly. Therein lies the key, you must research how to create a cost effective pay per click campaign.

It's not rocket science. You simply need to write a compelling ad, research relevant keywords and understand your return on investment. This means that if your product earns you $20 per sale then you must pay no more than 20 cents per keyword, preferably less. For example, on average, your ad will bring in one sale per 100 clicks on that ad. If 100 clicks brings one $20 sale then you've just paid $20 for that ad (100 x .20) and you broke even. Therefore, your goal should be to pay less than 20 cents per keyword but no more. Finding relevant, less popular keywords is goal.

Of course, the better the ad and the better your website's sales copy performs, the more sales you will receive.

5. Write An Article

Don't put this one off. The internet is designed to deliver information and what better way for you to get the word out about you, your business and your expertise than by providing relevant, useful information. If you're selling scrapbooks, write an article on how to scrapbook. A well written article can show someone how easy scrapbooking is, boost their interest and therefore encourage a sale.

If writing an article is not something you feel you can do, have it written for you, it's not expensive and it's one of the best ways to bring traffic to your site.

6. Carefully Optimize Your Site For The Search Engines

Don't build your site and forget it. Utilize the search engines to your benefit by taking the time to optimize your site. Optimization doesn't have to be complex. Simply create a title that clearly depicts what your site is about and write a description that accurately describes to your readers what information you have to offer. Research relevant keyword phrases as opposed to single words and repeat that phrase in your title, description and throughout your page.

7. Create A Newsletter

Your goal should be to keep your viewers coming back to your site over and over again. The best way to keep in touch with viewers is through publishing a newsletter or a periodical that offers beneficial, useful information.

Post a newsletter form on your site and specifically direct your viewers to sign-up. Don't just expect them to notice that you have a newsletter, direct them there and be specific about what your newsletter offers.

By publishing a weekly newsletter you are reminding your readers of your products, sales or upcoming events. Avoid pushy sales tactics and sales hype. Simply offer useful information, tips and advice. Make your newsletter a thing of value by keeping them interested and encouraged.

It's important to remember that it takes an average of 7 visits for a viewer to buy; they're not likely to visit seven times without a reminder.

8. Offer Something Free

We all love free and the internet is no exception.

- If you publish a newsletter, offer a free ebook or free e-course in exchange for an email address. In your newsletter also offer a free tips section that pertains to your site's topic.

- If someone makes a purchase, consider offering a free bonus, this often prompts sales.

- Offer free teleseminars. This is an excellent way to let your viewers hear your voice and experience who you really are. It builds trust and they won't soon forget who you are and what you are about.

9. Make A Donation

Create a promotion where you will be donating a percentage of your proceeds to your favorite charity. Donating money or services to your favorite charity builds trust and a positive image for your business. I'd much rather buy from someone that donates a few dollars to a worthy cause than someone who doesn't.

10. Participate In Discussion Forums

Take the time to find online forums that are relevant to your business. By responding to questions, offering advice or posting your articles, others will see you as an expert in your field as well as someone willing to help. Posting on a weekly basis will allow readers to become familiar with you and your business as well as regarding you as a respected authority.

When registering on a forum be sure to create a signature file that includes your website address. This will post your website address each time you make a forum entry.

Your business will do well to perform each and every strategy noted above, however, performing just one of these powerful marketing strategies will improve your chances of drawing visitors to your site, but more importantly, it will help keep them coming back.

Elizabeth is a seasoned internet marketer focused on helping anyone interested in building a home internet business by providing free marketing advice, marketing product reviews, free courses, motivation and a friend.

Grab Elizabeth's comprehensive home business and marketing ideas free newsletter today.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Links are very important in internet marketing as they are basically the way that all of your visitors find you. People do not like to have to remember a domain name, then go and type it into a search bar, they prefer to just click a link and get what they want instantly, this is why building links to your site is very important.

Links not only count for the traffic that finds you through them but also the fact that they improve your search engine rankings. Search engines determine how "popular" a website is by the amount of links pointing to it and the more "popular" your website is, the higher it will rank in the search results.

It is also a good idea to use anchor text for as many links as you can as this will help you rank well for the keywords in that text.

You can use the following strategies for building links to your website:

Writing and submitting articles to directories. You can write and submit articles to article directories and include a link in your author resource box, this will get you a one way link for each directory you submit to and there are hundreds of directories on the internet. You can find these article directories by searching google for them.

Ask other related websites to exchange links with you, this is when you would put a link to their site on yours and they would do the same for you. This is a very popular way of building links and there are many webmasters that openly accept link exchanges, you can also find websites that are made specifically just to help webmasters that want to exchange links meet each other.

Link directories. There are thousands of link directories out there, some are paid and some are free, you can submit your website to them and hope that they will accept it. This is a quick way to get a lot of one way links as all you have to do is search google for "link directories" and then spend some time submitting your website to as many as you want.

Most forums will allow you to include a link to your website with your posts and this can be another quick way to build your links, everytime you make a post on the forum, you gain another link to your website.

Press releases can be effective for gaining a lot of links but it would probably be best to use a paid service for this, your press release will do much better for you if it is written by an experienced copywriter and is submitted using a service that will ensure maximum distribution.

Viral competitions can produce amazing results in very little time if executed well, you should give people an excellent reason to link to you such as a cash prize or a free product and let them know that the more traffic they send you, the more chance they have of winning the prize. This can create a frenzy of people working to send you traffic. You should plan this first to make sure you have a good return on investment and you have all the details worked out.

Khemal Dole owns and operates, a completely FREE service which helps many first-timers and even experts find their perfect Work At Home job. Visit right now and see for yourself why so many are flocking to his site.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The popularity of Google attracts the SEO to optimize their websites for Google. Around 30% of total traffic enters to website from Yahoo search. In some countries Yahoo and MSN are very popular. We should effort to gain extra traffic from Yahoo also.

To get top ranking you must collect strong back links from trustable websites. Google and Yahoo check the back links and unique content on the web page then decide which position is better for the website. Directory submission is very helpful to get good rank in Yahoo. Reciprocal link exchange program is also very beneficial. These days social bookmarking websites are also benificial for backlinks.

Site structure is also important factor when optimizing for Yahoo. Keep the important pages on top in the navigation. Keyword density is more important in Yahoo algorithm. For better ranking, your page must contain 6-8% keyword density. This percentage of keyword density is 2-3% in Google.

Meta tags are also important to get high rank in Yahoo. Google sometimes ignore the description if not related to page or it contains lots of repetition of a particular word. It is known as keyword stuffing and is unethical search engine optimization and Google, Yahoo and MSN will penalize the site or ban the website permanently. So use target keyword in the main heading, title, description and keywords. Do not include any word in the meta tags not related to page.

It means the major areas you have to focus for Yahoo are:

Density of Keywords
Back links or Inbound Links
Visible Site Structure

This article is written by SEO Company India, New Delhi based website design and development company.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Squidoo is quickly becoming THE place to market your products and services, especially if you are new to the world of affiliate marketing. This article will give you 10 of the best reasons to get over to squidoo and get started.

1. It is FREE!

What else needs to be said about that. The new affiliate marketer can get started for free.

2. You don't need a website.

Many new affiliates worry they don't have a website. Let squidoo become you website. You can make as many pages as you need, for any topic you want on squidoo.

3. You don't need to know anything about SEO.

It's all built in. The makers of Squidoo made it so lenses would come up quickly and highly ranked in google and other major search engines.

4. You can brand yourself.

Branding yourself is easy with squidoo. People will see your name in relation to your lens topics and will remember you.

5. You become an expert.

The definition of expert is knowing more about a topic than other people. When you make a lens on a topic you love you quickly become an expert in other's eyes.

6. Easily feature affiliate products.

You do not have to hide your affiliate links at squidoo. You can make entire lenses about 1 product or many.

7. Make money from squidoo.

You may have your own affiliate products you want to feature, but squidoo helps you make money through some of their modules as well. You don't have to join a program, just build a lens.

8. Easily add video.

One of Squidoo's modules is youtube. You can quickly add one of your own videos, or someone else's to any or all of your lenses.

9. Easily build an opt in list for free

You can easily add an opt in form to your lens and build a targeted opt in list you can later send more offers to.

10. Easily ping and bookmark lenses.

Web 2.0 is becoming an important part of any marketing strategy. Since each lens has an RSS feed you can easily ping them to blog and RSS directories. You can also add an "add this" button to your lens making it easy for others to bookmark it!

These ten things should have you excited about the possibilities for affiliate marketing at Squidoo. It's easy and fun. Now go get started!

Jackie Lee has been an internet marketer for the past 5 years. She left her corporate job 18 months ago when her daughter was born and has been solely working from home since. She uses Squidoo as a main building block of her marketing strategy. Visit her blog to learn more about Squidoo and internet marketing

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Acquiring relevant backlinks to your website is one of the most important parts of any Search Engine Optimization campaign. The search engine's and especially Google value backlinks to your website as an indicator of your website's importance. If a large number of webmaster's have decided to link to your content then you must be an important information hub in your target keyword marketplace.

Link Popularity Checker lists link popularity for all major search engines. If you can manage to get a large number of links from similar or complimentary websites that are ranked high by the search engine's then your website should also start to climb the search engine rankings and increase the traffic to your site. Of course the quality of links, the anchor text of the links, the total number of links, the content of the page your link is on, how many outbound links are on the page, and the ranking of the page your link is on are all extremely important factors to consider when developing a linking strategy for your business.

When adding your links to resource directories where you have control over your link remember to utilize all the tools you have available to you to get the most out of the backlink to your site.

Place your keywords in img alt tags (if you have an image with your link), link title tag, and in the anchor text for your link. You have to remember that when a search engine visits a site that has a backlink to you that they have no idea what your website is about yet. Of course the search engine spider will make decisions based on it's evaluation of the webpage but you can help them (and yourself) out by applying these simple principles to all backlinks you have control over. If you are submitting to a directory make sure you place your link under a category that has your keywords in the title of the category if possible.

You also have the option of buying links to your website, a strategy that has worked and continues to work now, but the search engine's frown on this practice and have a tendency to black hole websites involved in link farming techniques. It's ok to purchase advertising or to seek out strategic partnerships for reciprocal linking of course but purchasing links for the sole purposes of boosting your search rankings is against Google's Terms of Service.

Trust me when I say Google can tell with pretty good accuracy who is buying their links and who is not. It really isn't that hard to tell and does not require that much analysis to figure out. You can perform this type of analysis for yourself, and you should do this to see what the competition in your market is doing. If you do purchase links make sure these are not the only links back to your site. The search engine's like to see a natural growth to the number and quality of your backlinks. Having a couple of high ranking links and no others is a big red flag. Any site that grows naturally will have a pyramidal distribution of links with the greatest number of links at or near the bottom of the ranking ladder.

So you don't want your site to get black holed but you do want to accelerate the rate at which your website climbs the search engine rankings and hence see the benefits of free targeted traffic to your website. The good news is there are several Search Engine friendly ways to improve your link popularity:

1. Write Articles and have them published

The search engine's love content filled web pages since these pages are providing information not just advertising. Writing articles related to your website topic and having them published on high ranking websites is a great first step to building your link popularity.

You may not have traffic coming to your site yet, but these article sites sure do. If someone likes your article a number of these article publishing sites will allow the user to download the article for use on their site. You are allowed to include a resource box with your article which you would obviously use to place a link to your website. Submit your articles to as many article submission sites as you can, they are hungry for your content.

2. Publish a Blog

This is a similar idea to writing articles except that you will have total editorial control of your Blog content. Feel free to weave in a few product and affiliate links where appropriate in your Blog content (something many article sites frown upon). Submit your blog to Blog and Web directories to help build the link popularity for your blog. Make sure you link your blog to your main website so anyone reading your Blog will be able to find you. You can also have your Blog syndicated via RSS to really explode your exposure. Be sure to add a resource box to the end of each article with a link to your website so that anyone syndicating your article via RSS will be able to find you. the internet's most popular blogging service run your own blog on your own website with this free php-mysql package - great listing of sites accepting RSS/Atom feeds, or Blog submissions.

3. Submit to Web Directories

There are literally thousands of Web Directories on the internet that will provide you a link to your site either for free, free with a reciprocal link, or for a fee. The most useful listing to have would be in the directory which is the largest and most respected web directory on the internet. Getting listed can take 6-9 months if at all so you will definitely have to add some other directory targets to your short term plans.

Yahoo! offers an express paid directory listing for $299 USD a year which may be worth the price for your particular website. There are also a number of Quality Free Web Directories that should be on your to do list. Remember to submit to the most relevant category and preferably one with your keywords in the title and link anchor text. - excellent listing of free web directories the holy grail of free directory listings - information on Yahoo Paid inclusion

4. Purchase links or seek out Link Partners

As long as you are continuing to build your links naturally utilizing the techniques above you can supplement your backlink count with a few carefully purchased links on high traffic sites. This can give you a double benefit of helping you boost your link popularity and also provide you a stream of traffic from the website itself if you have targeted your purchase correctly. If your site is about real estate, consider purchasing links in a real estate directory that has a large amount of traffic.

5. Post in relevant Forums

Search engine's love forums because they are moderated by humans and have a lot of ever-changing content on them. These types of sites are indexed regularly and can be a great place to spread the word about your site and gain link popularity. Every time you post your signature is attached to your posting which should contain a link to your site if you have set it up correctly.

6. Provide valuable original content or tools on your website

Writing articles or having unique tools that people would find valuable on your website are great ways to build up backlinks without having to expend effort. If you provide a great tool on your site for free other webmasters will link up to your site without you having to solicit them. The internet is an information source for most people, so give them what they want.

7. Seek Out Complimentary Link Partners

If you find resources that compliment the services you offer on your website, consider contacting the owner's of these websites and trading links with them. Do not make these judgments based on the site's page rank but rather focus on how relevant the other site's content is to yours. excellent program to manage your links directory

Google Tools (type these into the google search form)

Allinurl: keywords tells you all sites with keywords in their site URL

Allintitle: keywords tells you all sites with keywords in the site title tag

Allinanchor: keywords provides a listing of WebPages that contain keywords in the anchor text of links on those pages

Link: tells you who is linking to competitordomain. These sites may want to link back to your site as well (also works on ).

For Yahoo:

Linkdomain: same as link: for Google, MSN


About the Author

Mike offers professional SEO services including link building services from his site SEO Web Guide.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Almost everyone in the Internet home business industry has heard of Stone Evans and the Plug In Profit Site system. Stone Evans, or the Home Business Guy, is one of the most successful online Internet marketers in the world and that is not something that anyone can question. What people want to know is whether the Plug In Profit Site home business is a legitimate opportunity or just another of many home business scams designed to make the owners rich while slowly but surely draining the members of their money.

What makes the PIPS (this is what it is commonly called by members) program unique is not only that it allows the complete newbie the opportunity to have a fully functional e-commerce web site promoting 6 different affiliate programs within only 24 hours but also the community that is found among those who promote this program.

Members of the Plug In Profit Site congregate in the Warrior Forum and provide and find support from one another. They share in each other's successes and failure. They provide tips and ideas on what is working and what is not. The sense of community among those involved is uncommon and not something that is often seen in this industry.

Members of the PIPS system are extremely dedicated to their mentor, Stone Evans and for good reason. A thorough review of this program revealed a 30 day training program given to members for free and this is not some poorly written e-book put together simply to say it is there.

The 30 Days To Success Guide available for members is known to be one of the best Internet marketing and home business training guides available for any price. In fact, many prior Plug In Profit Site members who are now very successful in other businesses attribute their success to what they learned from the training guide.

In addition, Stone is actively involved in helping members become successful in their business and is always adding new resources and programs aimed at this goal.

Anyone new to this industry who is looking to make money online in an Internet home business should certainly consider the Plug In Profit Site opportunity.

Dustin Cannon is an experienced Internet and network marketer and writes on various subjects related to the home business and network marketing industry. For more information on the Plug In Profit Site home business please visit

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