Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

1. Do the moneymaking things first.

For an entrepreneur, generating income is the most important job. Without income, your business will cease to exist.

2. Develop a sales and marketing plan.

What are you selling? Who is going to buy it? Where and how will you find them? Establish your sales goals, and then view your plan as your map to reach those goals.

3. Follow your sales and marketing plan.

While plans do sometimes change, one of the biggest challenges faced by entrepreneurs is how to be proactive rather than merely reactive. Having a plan in place and following it allows the entrepreneur to move the business forward.

4. Do at least three things every day to promote your business.

In the immediacy of day-to-day business life, it is easy to let sales and marketing activities fall by the wayside. Keeping on top of and servicing existing accounts seems to always take precedence over developing new accounts. But without new accounts, there are no future accounts! Keep your momentum by doing at least three sales/marketing/promotional items every day.

5. Do the things you do well. Hire people or partner with others to do the rest.

You cannot expect yourself to do everything perfectly. Even if you did, there are not that many hours in a day. Do what you do well. Do what makes money. Delegate the rest.

6. Delegate appropriately and effectively.

Find people whom you trust to do what needs to be done. Be clear about your expectations and their responsibilities.

7. Give employees some autonomy in their decision-making process.

Once you have the appropriate people in place, let them do their job. Micromanaging is not a good use of your time. You have hired your employees to do the things you cannot do or do not want to do. Let them do it.

8. Encourage employees to think creatively.

Encourage an atmosphere of ownership and responsibility by allowing employees to offer suggestions, make changes and discover new possibilities.

9. Minimize paperwork and bureaucracy.

While accurate records are important, records and paperwork are meant to help, not be an end in themselves. Always ask yourself if a particular procedure helps or hinders. Decide what to do accordingly.

10. Schedule time to have fun.

Enough said.

Wendy Weiss, The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success, is a sales trainer, author and sales coach. Her recently released program, Cold Calling College, and/or her book, Cold Calling for Women, can be ordered by visiting Contact her at Get Wendys free e-zine at

2004 Wendy Weiss

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Well, the title of this article is a question that I have once asked, "Is writing articles and submitting them to directories going to help your Online business?" and I am sure many others are also asking. How in the world can writing articles going to help in our online business? Good question. It certainly helps, this is my honest answer.

I have since written a few articles and got used a article submission company to submit it for me. You can also submit manually if you wish to, but it can be quite tedious and time consuming, plus you can only submit your article to one directory at one time. I am glad I used a article submission company like to do it for me, because when I submit one article, it is being distributed to hundreds of article directories in a short time. Not only did I save so much time, I have also learned many tips from the article submission company and get more exposure too. Let me tell you, when submitting your articles, you need to have some basic knowledge and tips to avoid having your article being rejected from article directories, especially those of very good standing.

Due to the professionalism of some articles directories, they will reject your article if your articles do not meet their standard. By using a article submission company and also due to their strict and professional handling of articles submission for their clients, they will proof read your articles by a computer first, and then follow by a human to vet through your articles again before they submit it for you. If they feel that you need to change certain things on your article, they will not hesitate to hold your article, write and inform you of your mistakes again and again until it is finally good, then they will submit for you. I think this is real good, because your article is going to be sent to hundreds of directories and it will also be indexed by Google if it is good enough. Thousands of people will be reading your article, so it better be readable.

Coming back to my answer, will it help you in your Online Business, yes, because subscribers for my newsletters have since increased, and the number of visitors to my website and blog too. In my bio box where I write a little information about myself, and have put my website and blog address there, so that when people read my articles, they may just wish to visit my website and blog. But please be advised that you do not write an article which is too much sales pitch in it and also in your bio box too. Be natural, be yourself, speak the truth and speak with integrity and conviction in whatever you are writing about.

If you have not tried writing any articles yet, or even asked a ghost writer to write for you yet, I suggest that you do so soon. When I first started my article writing, I did not know what and how to write, so I bought some articles from one article writer, from there I learned how to write articles. Hope this article will motivate you to start writing articles and submitting them to directories if you have not started yet.

Gamy Rachel is an Online Homebased Business entrepreneur. In the financial industry for many years, now does Online Business. Find out more on Online Homebased Business visit my website which is at and my blogs and

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Almost everyone in the Internet home business industry has heard of Stone Evans and the Plug In Profit Site system. Stone Evans, or the Home Business Guy, is one of the most successful online Internet marketers in the world and that is not something that anyone can question. What people want to know is whether the Plug In Profit Site home business is a legitimate opportunity or just another of many home business scams designed to make the owners rich while slowly but surely draining the members of their money.

What makes the PIPS (this is what it is commonly called by members) program unique is not only that it allows the complete newbie the opportunity to have a fully functional e-commerce web site promoting 6 different affiliate programs within only 24 hours but also the community that is found among those who promote this program.

Members of the Plug In Profit Site congregate in the Warrior Forum and provide and find support from one another. They share in each other's successes and failure. They provide tips and ideas on what is working and what is not. The sense of community among those involved is uncommon and not something that is often seen in this industry.

Members of the PIPS system are extremely dedicated to their mentor, Stone Evans and for good reason. A thorough review of this program revealed a 30 day training program given to members for free and this is not some poorly written e-book put together simply to say it is there.

The 30 Days To Success Guide available for members is known to be one of the best Internet marketing and home business training guides available for any price. In fact, many prior Plug In Profit Site members who are now very successful in other businesses attribute their success to what they learned from the training guide.

In addition, Stone is actively involved in helping members become successful in their business and is always adding new resources and programs aimed at this goal.

Anyone new to this industry who is looking to make money online in an Internet home business should certainly consider the Plug In Profit Site opportunity.

Dustin Cannon is an experienced Internet and network marketer and writes on various subjects related to the home business and network marketing industry. For more information on the Plug In Profit Site home business please visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

For years, online marketers and home business owners have been chasing the elusive holy grail of Internet marketing strategies, to no avail. While industry leaders, and online guru's promise easy money and automated lead generation systems, the true online success stories are in the trenches utilizing tomorrow's technology to build profitable home businesses today.

Unfortunately, many people dismiss web 2.0 as a viable online business building tool, simply because it sounds too complicated, or too far outside of their comfort zone, but the truth is that web 2.0 is not rocket science, and it's one of the most effective methods for reaching virtually any target market.

Just imagine, putting your business in front of thousands, or perhaps even millions of potential prospects and clients. Better yet, imagine doing this without spending a single dime.

That's the power of web 2.0 marketing, and it's as easy as investing just a few hours per week on your home computer. In fact, the way technology is heading, you won't even need a computer to build your business with web 2.0 online marketing. You'll simply need an Internet accessible cell phone, but that's a topic for another article.

The fact is that the fastest growing trend on the Internet today is the online community. Think,, and then picture an endless supply of targeted prospects interested in meeting people and building relationships. After all, that is the glue that holds the home-based business together. Without relationships, long-term success in any business is nearly impossible.

One strategy for utilizing web 2.0 to generate leads for your business is to implement a video marketing campaign. Online video is the wave of the future, but the technology to do it effectively, and inexpensively is here today.

A video can easily be created with a simple computer web cam costing around $30, or there is the option of using a hand held digital video camera for about $100. Either way, it's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying leads, and it's much more effective.

The topic of your video will vary, depending on what you are trying to accomplish, but a good rule of thumb is to teach someone something of value, while introducing yourself as someone with a message worth listening to.

For example, if you're marketing a health product, do a short video that teaches people how to eat healthier, or exercise more effectively. By teaching someone something, you develop the position of an industry leader, or expert in your field, therefore, building credibility in the minds of your viewers, which results in sales and signup's.

Like I said, it's not rocket science, and it may require you to step outside of your comfort zone, but trust me, it's a heck of a lot easier than cold calling leads, hoping for a prospects that doesn't hang up on you.

All in all, web 2.0 is virtually untapped. True, there are a lot of home business owners on the social communities, and there are a lot of people uploading videos, but how many are actually sharing a message of value? How many of them are demonstrating their willingness to help you by teaching valuable skills and techniques in their videos?

The answer is not many, so give web 2.0 a try. Jump in with both feet; it may just be the best thing you've ever done for your home-based business.

Troy Berlin has been actively working in the home business industry for nearly 15 years. He teaches the true art and science of building an online business through web 2.0 marketing strategies. Learn Troy Berlin's Web 2.0 Social Marketing System at

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is the best promotional and traffic-generating tool in the internet today. It can easily augment your website traffic, pull up your search engine ranking, position yourself as a key person in your industry, build that trust and great business relationship with your client base, increase your sales leads and ultimately, improve your online revenue.

Here are the 3 phenomenal methods to increase your article marketing:

1. Write more. If you really want to increase your article marketing, the first thing that you need to consider is to multiply the number of your output to easily increase the inbound links for your website. You can spend more time writing or pick topics that do not require extensive research. You can also hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality and well-written articles for $5-$15 each depending on the topic, length, and your expected delivery date. Though this method will cost you, you will be able to get the credit for the articles as they will be posted under your name.

2. Submit your articles on a regular basis. To strengthen your online presence and your position as an expert on your chosen niche, make it a habit to submit your articles on a regular basis and avoid long absences so your readers will not forget about you. Publish your content not only on article submission sites but also on directories, social bookmarking sites, Squidoo, forums, blogs, and on your own website. You can also use them as content when you publish your ezine or when you create your ebook.

3. Your topics must be related to your offering. The goal in marketing your articles is to draw quality traffic to your website. The best way to do that is to write articles that are closely relevant to your products so you can attract online users who are most likely to buy from you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing articles and submitting them to article directories, and ezine publishers takes a great deal of investment therefore you need to track them to determine their effectiveness.

Methods to track the success of your article marketing

Article directories

Most article directories (ie EzineArticles) display the number of visitors your article received. If you've written many articles you can quickly see which ones received the most visitors and/or comments.


Enter your article title (with quotes) in the Google search box with quotes surrounding it. This shows all places your article appears on the Net. Before writing your content enter the title in Google first to make sure you are not duplicating someone else's article otherwise you will see their articles listed among yours.


Your resource box contains the URL to your web site. When your article gets distributed to other sites you receive incoming links from them. If you enter: Enter in Yahoo, it will display all the incoming links you have gained from other sites.

Site Statistics

Your web hosting service includes statistics for your web site. The stats reveal where your traffic is coming from. It displays the number of hits, visitors, external links, referrers (urls of people visiting your site) keywords and keyword phrases entered in the search engines. After submitting several articles for distribution, monitor your statistics. New keyword phrases that appear in your statistics can be used to produce new articles.

Tracking URLs

I've left this method last because I don't highly recommend it but it gives very detailed stats if you use an adtracker i.e., adtrackz. Set up a tracking URL in your ad tracking software that monitors the number of hits your article receives. There is only one problem with this method..if you stop tracking the article your visitor will receive a broken link when they click the URL in your resource box. Search engines do not spider broken links.

By investing a some time tracking your articles, you determine what sites are not producing results. Submit articles consistently to distribution sites to keep receiving traffic. Overtime you will see a steady increase in visitors.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, SEO, Hosting

Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how
to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing
to his"Marketing Tips" newsletter at:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Are you currently using article marketing in popularizing your website and promoting your products but can't seem to augment your page views and your sales potential? I'd say, you have to energize your strategies to maximize the benefits you are getting from this amazing marketing tool. Here's how:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. Strive to increase the number of your output to obtain more quality inbound links for your website. You can either extend your writing hours or pick topics that are quicker to write. You can also hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality and well-written articles for $5-$12 each depending on your topic and required word count.

2. Create a compelling author's bio. If you want to easily build rapport with your potential clients, you need to find ways on how they can know more about you on a personal level. Create an author's bio on every article submission sites where you normally post your articles to. Make it interesting and personal by communicating your hobbies, interest, personal stories, and experiences. You can also post your most friendly-looking picture to give your readers an idea on how you look like.

3. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Download a free, reliable keyword suggestion tool online that can help you identify the most common searched keyword and key phrases within your target niche. Sprinkle these words and phrases all throughout your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Content. To increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished by webmasters and other online users, you must strive to make them content-rich, useful, informative, direct to the point, well-written, and highly relevant to the needs and demands of your potential readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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