Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories


To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing continues to make wonders in terms of generating traffic for various websites. Most webmasters agree that it is one of the best tools in pulling up search engine ranking and making their site more popular and frequently visited. If you'd like to use article marketing so you can create more money from it, here are the best ways to do it:

1. Write more quality, meaningful articles. The first step to article marketing is writing numerous articles that will show your expertise on your chosen field. Remember, each article will represent your or your company, so they better offer valuable and credible information that will make readers trust you.

2. Prepare a killer resource box. Your resource box must be compelling enough to make your readers click your website's URL. It must contain your name, your website address, and your call for action.

3. Make your articles scannable and easy on the eyes. Don't submit lengthy articles that will surely bore your readers. Instead, submit articles that run 250-500 words that are full with information and juicy details that your readers are looking for. Make your articles scannable by using bullets or numbers when you are presenting steps or tips. You can also use sub topics.

4. Submit your articles to major article submission sites. To date, there are more than 200 hundred article submission sites but only half of them generate good traffic. Don't waste your time submitting your articles to those that cannot help you increase your site's popularity, instead focus your energy to the ones that can promise you huge number of visitors like

5. Make your landing page compelling. Once you have successfully drove online users to your website, make sure that it functions well and offers readers what they are looking for. It may be more information or the products and services that you are offering.

6. Use the traffic to your advantage. Once you have done all of the 5 tips, you'll be sure to get more traffic to your site. Use this to increase your sales and profits. Offer your visitors with the products and services.

7. Make money from the traffic you have created. To convert your traffic to instant cash, you can sell space on your webpage to various advertisers. If they see that you're generating enormous traffic, they won't think twice in posting banner ads to your webpage.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Here are ten strategies that will work wonders on your online sales results when used for the right situation.

1. The "Feeling Guilty?" Strategy

The "don't purchase our product if you're going to feel guilty about others struggling to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that other people will have a harder time gaining their desired benefit without your product. It uses reverse psychology and many people do feel guilty when they are gaining a benefit while others are struggling.

2. The "Valuable Skill" Strategy

The "this one skill alone is worth (number) the cost of (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them a skill that will pay for itself. You can relate the payback to money, emotional or physical rewards that they will get.

3. The "They Are Lazy" Strategy

The "you'll (benefit) while your friends just sit on their butts..." strategy tells your prospects that they will be improving their lives with your product while their friends don't do productive things. It will show them that your product will give meaning and purpose to their lives. You also could be more specific about the non-productive things your friends are doing. For example - partying too much, sleeping in too much, watching TV too much, talking on the phone too much, etc.

4. The "What Problem?" Strategy

The "you say you have a (topic) problem? What (topic) problem?..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will make their problem disappear. You could also compare all the different levels of people who decided not to solve their problem. For example, some people may do okay, some will just get by and some will fail, etc.

5. The "Unsaturated" Strategy

The "grab the unsaturated resell rights to (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects that your resell rights product isn't old or outdated and available for sale everywhere else. Most marketers know that highly saturated resell rights products affect their ability to make a profit with them.

6. The "Resell Comparison" Strategy

The "compare my resell rights collection with my competition ..." strategy tells your prospects that they can go and check out your competitor's package because yours is way better. You can mention your resell rights collection is always updated with new titles and the products they sell get regularly updated. You can also mention your pack isn't like those big, old reports packages and e-book packages that are sold all over the Internet.

7. The "Keep This Safe" Strategy

The "print this out and read it now..." strategy tells your prospects that your sales letter is important enough to actually print out and read. You could always mention that they will learn so many valuable strategies from it, they should keep it posted on their desk, place it on their bookshelf or keep it locked in their safe.

8. The "1 Minute Application" Strategy

The "filling out this (number) minute application could (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are accepting applications for people to purchase your product. If it's a short application, tell them how little time it will take them to fill it out. By adding an application to your selling process, you can say that not all the applications will be accepted, so it will make them really excited to buy if you select them. It's like they beat out others for the chance to gain their desired benefit.

9. The "Resell Gifts" Strategy

The "each person contributed a (resell, master resell or private label) rights product to this package..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product they will get the big resell package for free. You can tell them they can even add their own resell product to the package. You can tell them this package as a whole is only available to customers of the product you are currently offering.

10. The "Camouflage" Strategy

The "give away or sell this sales report..." strategy tells your prospects that you converted your sales letter to a report format with valuable pieces of information. You could even allow them to brand your sales report so they can earn commissions from it. It will spread your disguised sales letter virally all over the Internet.

See to see how to start a profitable Internet business fast with absolutely no experience. This is one site provided by Millennium Services Group (, run by R.T. Markovsky

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you have written tons of articles, you'd want to make the most of them by maximizing the amount of traffic and leads you get from each article. Well, did you know that you can use your articles as a joint venture tool?

Here are 3 powerful ways to form lucrative joint ventures with articles:

1. Coregistration

One way you can form a joint venture with your article is to create an arrangment with another website owner in your niche who is also using articles to drive traffic to his website. You can offer to advertise his website on yours, and he does the same! This way, the both of you get more traffic.

2. Ezine Publishing

You can offer your articles to ezine owners and give them permission to reprint your articles, on the condition that the article has a link back to your website. Most ezine owners will take up your offer on this, as they are constantly on the search for new content.

3. Product Creation

You can contact a few marketers in your niche and offer to create an information product together by combining all your best articles into one ebook or report. This ebook or report can be given away or sold (depending on the goal of the product) by all the marketers who contributed articles. This is a quick way to create products fast!

So there you have it, 3 ways to form powerful joint ventures from your articles and maximize them for the most profits for your Internet marketing business.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Attracting large numbers of ezines and webmasters is the cornerstone of success for any article marketing program. The more sites that publish your work, the more money you will make. If twenty ezines publish your article, it can get 20,000 page views. The question is, how do you entice these influential ezines. Use the following techniques to polish your article for these influential publishers.

Put all of your links in the resource box. Self-serving links in the body of the article is a definite turn-off for ezines and webmasters. Keep all of your links in the resource box.

Don't try to load up your resource box with links from every affiliate you deal with. One or two well thought out links will serve you much better than four or five.

Do a thorough spelling and grammar check on your work. Most word processors come with one, make sure you use it. In addition, do a slow and careful proofreading of your article. Your spelling checker will identify the word "kite" as being spelled correctly, even though you intended to type the word "kit." Only a thorough reading will find this kind of error.

Space your article by separating it into a number of different paragraphs. It makes it easier to read from the computer screen and creates less eye-strain.

Keep your personal life history to yourself. No one really cares where you went to school or how many kids you have. Stay focused on the core information that your article provides.

Provide targeted information rather than broad generalities. Unless it is a new concept, most people are not looking for broad generalities. They want specific details. Articles that explain the what, where, why, and how of a concept are much more widely distributed than articles than ramble on about generalities.

Most ezines and webmasters want to provide their readers with the best product possible. They want readers to come back next week and the week after that. With so many articles to choose from, ezines can afford to be choosy. Ezines and webmasters will choose the best article possible that minimizes mistakes and maximizes information. Provide a quality product that satisfies these goals and you may attract large numbers of ezines.

Do you want to learn how I make money? Get my new ebook and start making money online!

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You know, getting high rankings on websites like Google, Yahoo and MSN does not require a rocket science degree. Far from it. Search engine optimization is simple. Far too many people try to complicate things and the truth is, things are much more simple.

There are only two things you need to work on when trying to get higher search engine rankings - the number of quality backlinks you have, and the content on your website. That's it. It really comes down to that.

How do you build quality backlinks? Well there are a number of simple ways that I do this. One is I submit articles with my website link in the resource box to popular article directories. Not only do you get traffic directly from the articles, you get high quality backlinks because article directories are seen as authority sites by many search engines like Google.

Another way is to simply exchange links with other website owners. Do a search for 'link exchange forums' or simple 'link exchange' and you'll find some useful links you can start of with. Exchanging links with other webmasters is a great way to build links quickly. Just contact five website owners a day and you will start getting more reciprocal links than you can handle.

Keep the content on your website focused on the reader. Don't try to fool the search engines. Do optimize your meta tag titles, descriptions and keywords. Those are the most important parts of your onsite search engine optimization.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

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