Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories


To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It is now a well established fact that people primarily use the Internet to search for information on specific topics to solve specific problems. Now (of course) there are other ways the Internet is used too.

However, primarily, the Internet is an information delivery medium. It is NOT a "sell" medium (even though that happens). It's simply a matter of identifying the mediums marketing "logic" to work out how best to use it to sell on it.

In essence people on the Internet are looking for content that is relevant to their purpose, need or problem. They typically are not looking for marketing ploys.

Now, there are a number of ways to increase this content, Including having a search engine optimization company provide you with keyword rich articles. There are three primary reasons why more web site content increases your web site traffic.

The first reason more web site content increases traffic to your web site is that content articles tend to be focused on a specific topic. This focus will naturally lead to the repeated use of a specific keyword or phrase. The natural and repeated use of this phrased leads to higher search engine rankings, naturally.

Search engine rankings are the way findings/ results come back to an Internet user when they search for a 'solution to their problem' via a search engine.

If someone searches for the term dogs they will get many millions of pages of results. The order in which these results are displayed on the screen depends on a number of factors including how frequently the term is mentioned on the site and where it is mentioned on the site, and the exact phrase the user typed into the search field on their favorite Search Engine.

In other words, if you get the SEARCH key phrases right, and you continue to create content focused on that topic, you will ALWAYS be on the top of the search engines for that particular phrase.

The Internet is a content driven medium, thus the web site with the most (focused) content within a specific theme will always win.

It's as simple and as complicated as that.

Of course there are other offsite factors such as back linking and RSS etc, but this is not the focus of this article.

Research continually shows that people tend only to click on the first ten results a search engine offers them. Increasing your web site content will help you become one of these first ten web sites (within specific key phrases). This means more people than you ever thought possible will be clicking on your site in no time simply because of your top ten ranking for a specific keyword or key phrase.

Not only will you be closer to the top of the search engine rankings with more content, you will also be indexed by more search engines. This could mean that something like ninety percent of all Internet users seeing your web site in any one given Internet session for a specific key phrase.

The second reason more web site content increases traffic is more complicated. If you have strong, well written content on your site, you increase your credibility with customers.

Suddenly you are no longer a company selling homemade dog food; you are somebody who can offer knowledgeable advice about anything a responsible dog owner needs to know including house training, leash laws, and sleeping problems.

This increase in credibility not only makes people believe what you have posted to your site, it also makes them want to stay at your site LONGER to read the rest of your content articles on a topic about which they are PASSIONATE and ACTIVELY searching for on the Internet.

The more keyword focused content articles you have on your site the easier they will find you and longer they will stay there.

Keeping people on your site as long as possible is the key to selling your product to them.

You simply have more time in which to pitch them your product or service (in multiple ways) and thus close more sales. Not only will they stay at your site longer when your site has more focused content they are far more likely to return to your site the next time they search the Internet for information that's within your topic.

For example, if you are selling refilled printer ink cartridges, and you have content on your site which relates to all things printers you have a far better chance that someone might stay to look at a few of your other articles on your web site.

However, the next time they need digital photo printing tips, chances are good that they will remember what great content you offered them during their last Internet session, and they will return directly to your site just to read more of your topic focused content.

This means you have their complete, undivided attention for an even longer period of time this time. Moreover, if they are returning to your site on a regular basis, chances are good that they will recommend the site to other users like their friends and relatives which will mean even more traffic to your site.

The final way more web site content increases your web traffic is that it increases the probability that advertisers and reciprocal link exchangers will be attracted to your site. Reciprocal links are exchanged by web sites that have similar interests. The more relevant topics you are able to list, the more chances you have of someone with similar interests attempting to link to your site.

This could greatly increase your web site traffic because not only will people be able to find your site through search engines, they may also be able to find your site through other sites. And, advertisers are looking for sites that encourage customers they want to do business with. More keywords will mean more customers for you, which can mean more advertisers for you, which can mean more profits and visibility for you.

No matter which reason you choose to add more content to your site it will always increase your web site traffic.

This can only mean good things. Continually adding keyword focused content to your web site is one of the best ways to grow your web business. You can have these keyword rich content articles written for you, or you can write them yourself.

Whichever way you choose to go here be sure that your articles are well-written. Badly written articles will do little to increase your web site traffic, and most likely will affect your credibility.

Kenneth Doyle Is A Writer And Internet Marketing Consultant, Find Out About His SEO Article Writing And Submission Service Gets Thousands Of Prospects To Read YOUR Offers, Here... *SEO Article Writing Submission Service*

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Search Engine Optimization. A lot of people are clamoring to know exactly what it is. SEO is the process of enhancing the presence and visibility of a website on search engine listings. Not only is it a process, it is about the tool required to make the enhancement happen. There are two main types of search engine optimization:

*On page Optimization

*Off Page Optimization

When SEO was in its infancy, getting back links to a site was the most important factor. In fact, many books and articles written on the subject will still tell people that getting back links is the only proper way to optimize a website. Back links with proper anchor text, of course.

After search engine optimization has a chance to mature, SEO specialists became aware that using only back links is not at all the best way to optimize a site. In fact, if an SEO is only creating back links, the site is not getting optimized.

In On page site optimization, there are techniques and tools that are related to your own website and in OFF page optimization, there are items which are related to the other websites. In On page the old technique was Meta Tag Optimization, appropriate content, Alt tag optimization, proper navigation for the website and much more activities through which changes were made to the website, itself. In OFF page optimization, only back links were created.

Today, optimization is a little bit different. While using the old techniques are still appropriate, creating a Sitemap can be added to the list. Sitemap is something that came in existence a few years ago.

A Sitemap is a graphical representation of the architecture of a website. There are two kinds of site maps. The first is used to assist visitors to a site to navigate the site and the second is done in XML. XML Sitemaps--usually called Sitemap with a capital 'S'--are used by Goggle to gather information about the site.

Sitemap is especially important if your site:

* Has dynamic content

* Has pages with a lot of flash or AJAX

* Is new and does not have many links

* Has a lot of archived pages that are not linked well, or not at all

The use of Sitemap becomes doubly important if the site has pages that can only be accessed through user entry. Sitemap will assist web crawlers in finding and accessing the pages.

Google has a very nice Sitemap tool that will assist in the creation of Sitemap for a website.

Karen Vertigan Pope writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Ciniva specializes in web design and SEO. Ms. Vertigan Pope is the President of the SEO Department of Ciniva Systems.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There's a debate raging in marketing circles: should you use SEO or Search Engine Optimization techniques on your website or not?

First of all, what do I mean by SEO? Search engine copywriting requires that the copywriter concern himself with the strategic placement of keywords, tags and the like within his web copy to get the web page as high as possible in the search engine rankings.

According to a survey by Enquiro and MarketingSherpa on the role of search, over 60 percent of BTB buyers research products online from 2-12 months in advance of a purchase, and 69 percent of them start with the organic (i.e. search engine) listings. So, ranking high with the search engines is important.

That said, there are several other points to take into consideration:

(1) How does organic website traffic fit into your overall sales process? Do you drive traffic to your website using other means (advertisements, direct sales calls, seminars, free white paper offers, etc.)? And how qualified are the leads that come from the search engines?

(2) You need to make it into the top 10 or top 20 (any lower position is of little or no benefit). How much competition is there for the keyword? How likely is it that youll make it into the top 10-20 listings without too much effort?

(3) Search engines are constantly tweaking their algorithms (partly to prevent the black hat SEO experts from manipulating rankings) so just optimizing your pages is a moving target.

(4) Ultimately, content is king. Having plenty of useful (fresh) content on your site will probably do more for your rankings in the long-run than SEO will. Moreover, content is a more stable contributor to high rankings.

(5) Incoming links (other website linking to your site, ideally websites that are ranked high and are highly respected) are generally considered more valuable than simple keyword optimization and the like. See to research website rankings.

(6) Keyword optimized pages can sound slightly strange; they often dont read well. Moreover, their selling power may be weaker than pages that focus first and foremost on the prospect, rather than the engine.

In the end, its probably best to follow a 3-part strategy:

(1) Focus on writing the most convincing copy you can, aimed at the human reader rather than the search engines.

(2) Optimize the keywords, if you wish, but never change a word of strong copy if that change will weaken the copy, even if SEO best practices dictate such a change.

(3) Once the page is up and working (e.g. generating strong conversion), optimize it for the engines by tweaking the copy, but test to make sure that those edits dont reduce conversions.

So, do SEO, but use SEO intelligently and always put your (human) prospect first.

Theres also a larger point here: besides search engine optimized pages and clever copy, what really drives traffic to your website and keeps visitors coming back is useful, fresh content.

Content is STILL king!

Copyright 2006 Paul Arinaga

Paul Arinaga is a professional freelance copywriter specialized in helping software and other technology companies improve their marketing materials to get more and better leads. This article is excerpted from "The Software Marketer's Toolkit".

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Almost everyone in the Internet home business industry has heard of Stone Evans and the Plug In Profit Site system. Stone Evans, or the Home Business Guy, is one of the most successful online Internet marketers in the world and that is not something that anyone can question. What people want to know is whether the Plug In Profit Site home business is a legitimate opportunity or just another of many home business scams designed to make the owners rich while slowly but surely draining the members of their money.

What makes the PIPS (this is what it is commonly called by members) program unique is not only that it allows the complete newbie the opportunity to have a fully functional e-commerce web site promoting 6 different affiliate programs within only 24 hours but also the community that is found among those who promote this program.

Members of the Plug In Profit Site congregate in the Warrior Forum and provide and find support from one another. They share in each other's successes and failure. They provide tips and ideas on what is working and what is not. The sense of community among those involved is uncommon and not something that is often seen in this industry.

Members of the PIPS system are extremely dedicated to their mentor, Stone Evans and for good reason. A thorough review of this program revealed a 30 day training program given to members for free and this is not some poorly written e-book put together simply to say it is there.

The 30 Days To Success Guide available for members is known to be one of the best Internet marketing and home business training guides available for any price. In fact, many prior Plug In Profit Site members who are now very successful in other businesses attribute their success to what they learned from the training guide.

In addition, Stone is actively involved in helping members become successful in their business and is always adding new resources and programs aimed at this goal.

Anyone new to this industry who is looking to make money online in an Internet home business should certainly consider the Plug In Profit Site opportunity.

Dustin Cannon is an experienced Internet and network marketer and writes on various subjects related to the home business and network marketing industry. For more information on the Plug In Profit Site home business please visit

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The World Wide Web has several sides to it and while SEO plays a significant role in how your business succeeds, you must know there is a dark side which some experience and others dont. What can hurt your business the most is being excluded or banned from Googles indexing.

How does this happen? If you are using a SEO company that functions just on the other side of the right side and flaunts all of Googles guidelines or you somehow get a spam penalty. You need to make amends quickly.

Comb through your website and check for hidden text, hidden links, doorway pages, or redirections. Determine whether you are guilty of over optimization or what is termed as SEO Overkill.

Read through Googles guidelines and ensure that your site complies with each and every norm. Remove or redo offenders and check and recheck each page thoroughly.

Read and understand what SEO overkill means. Take care to do the best for your website but not overkill. Be smart and avoid shady actions. Google sticks to rules and righteously will exclude sites that flaunt norms. So, toe the line at all times.

Send a re-inclusion request to Google. You need to log in to Google Sitemaps and choose request reinclusion link and follow the steps. Understand Google by reading through the Google webmaster tools.

Use Google webmaster discussion group and Googles blog for webmasters for information on Google crawl and indexing methods and share as well as gain expertise from other webmasters.

Fill in the reinclusion form clearly and honestly. Write in the subject line reinclusion request.

It pays to be upfront and honest. Admit to mistakes and make sure you fix them. Never try and play innocent, even if the mistakes were made by a contractor the responsibility is still yours alone.

Explain clearly where and why the mistakes occurred and that you have made the changes.

Avoid being rude or using threats. You will just end up being left out in the cold.

Wait for Google to reply patiently. Never flood their email boxes with reminders or follow up letters.

The crux lies in figuring out what is wrong and how to set it right. Google is not out to get you. If you follow all the rules of SEO and fair play as far as Google goes you will face no problem. A user friendly site Google makes all efforts to update its help and other guidelines such that webmasters will benefit.

If you take care to do it right you will be reinstated in no time at all. Some have taken just a week to ten days.

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Article Submission Directory

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