Making Money with Your Blog!

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A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Squidoo is quickly becoming THE place to market your products and services, especially if you are new to the world of affiliate marketing. This article will give you 10 of the best reasons to get over to squidoo and get started.

1. It is FREE!

What else needs to be said about that. The new affiliate marketer can get started for free.

2. You don't need a website.

Many new affiliates worry they don't have a website. Let squidoo become you website. You can make as many pages as you need, for any topic you want on squidoo.

3. You don't need to know anything about SEO.

It's all built in. The makers of Squidoo made it so lenses would come up quickly and highly ranked in google and other major search engines.

4. You can brand yourself.

Branding yourself is easy with squidoo. People will see your name in relation to your lens topics and will remember you.

5. You become an expert.

The definition of expert is knowing more about a topic than other people. When you make a lens on a topic you love you quickly become an expert in other's eyes.

6. Easily feature affiliate products.

You do not have to hide your affiliate links at squidoo. You can make entire lenses about 1 product or many.

7. Make money from squidoo.

You may have your own affiliate products you want to feature, but squidoo helps you make money through some of their modules as well. You don't have to join a program, just build a lens.

8. Easily add video.

One of Squidoo's modules is youtube. You can quickly add one of your own videos, or someone else's to any or all of your lenses.

9. Easily build an opt in list for free

You can easily add an opt in form to your lens and build a targeted opt in list you can later send more offers to.

10. Easily ping and bookmark lenses.

Web 2.0 is becoming an important part of any marketing strategy. Since each lens has an RSS feed you can easily ping them to blog and RSS directories. You can also add an "add this" button to your lens making it easy for others to bookmark it!

These ten things should have you excited about the possibilities for affiliate marketing at Squidoo. It's easy and fun. Now go get started!

Jackie Lee has been an internet marketer for the past 5 years. She left her corporate job 18 months ago when her daughter was born and has been solely working from home since. She uses Squidoo as a main building block of her marketing strategy. Visit her blog to learn more about Squidoo and internet marketing

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