Viral marketing is a methods of list building

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you read a lot of articles, youve probably noticed a box that includes a number of links at the end of each article. This is called the authors biography, bio, or resource box. The links located in the resource box are the authors payment for writing the article.

Different authors put different types of information in their resource boxes, depending on their goals. Some writers add their biographical information into this section. These authors are trying to build up their reputation in a particular field.

Many authors write articles to increase traffic to their website. In this case, they will add a link to their websites sign-in (squeeze) page. Others write articles to generate income. These writers add links to their own products or to affiliate products that they are recommending. Some submission sites will allow an author to include up to three links in a resource box, and others will allow just one or two. Take full advantage of the resource box and place the maximum number of links that the site will allow.

With my articles, I always place the first link to my sign-in page. To be successful in the Internet marketing business, you need a large list of subscribers. By adding a link to my sign-in page in each of my articles, I am always increasing the size of my list. As the size of my list increases, so does my income.

My second link will usually be for one of my own products. To be successful in this business, you need your own product. You will make much more money selling your own product than selling someone elses. If you dont have your own product yet, you should definitely work toward that goal. All of the really successful Internet marketing people have their own products.

My third link will point toward another one of my products or an affiliate product that is related to the content of the article. If you can recommend a product that is related to your article, you will usually see a larger number of clicks from that link.

I never use html in my resource boxes, even if a site states that you can. The reason for this is simple. Some of the ezines that run your article from an RSS feed will publish in plain text only. In these cases, the hard work that you put into your resource box will look like a jumbled mess. For that reason, I use plain text in all of my resource boxes.

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