Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

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Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

This 8 point guide will help you succeed in your article marketing. I gaurantee it! These tactics work and if you use them, your articles will send you in the traffic you want and the profits your desire.

The 8 Point Guide To Successful Article Marketing

  1. Writing your keyword in the first 3 words of your title will increase your articles page ranking. The sooner you get your keyword said in your article title, the better. If you were to type in any keyword into any search engine, chances are, all the first page matches' first 3 words contain the keyword that you typed in.
  2. Writing an endless amount of articles is the best way to promote your website or your project. Many article marketers think that it's a waste of time, but it's not. If you were to go to ezinearticles website and type in article marketing, it's dominated by an author who has created more than 200 articles on article marketing. The search engines are just filled with his work.
  3. Using the same set of keywords in your article will improve your chances on getting onto the first page of google. By using the same keywords, you begin to dominate those keywords with your articles.
  4. Putting numbers into your articles tite can get you more article clicks. When readers see a number in any search results, they think that the information inside has fast giving information. Which articles with numbers usually do.
  5. Writing unique articles gets you noticed on search engines, more than duplicated content. Duplicated content is not indexed in search engines. Although it can be indexed if it get's more links than the original content, it is highly not recommended.
  6. Grammatical errors can destroy your articles and your reputation. Grammatical errors count for a lot. Even one can make any reader click out. You'll be losing a hungdred dollars worth of traffic!
  7. Your resource box should be used efficiently and effectively. It should be at the most, 10% of your total pragraph. Your resource box should have a catch and a link to your website. Just having a button that says click here won't be enough. You need to give your readers a reason to click on your link.
  8. value in your content should be visible and well written. Nothing loses you traffic more than a reader that spent their time reading an article that did not help them out whatsoever.
This 8 point guide will increase your chances in getting onto the first page of google, and will get you that high ranked spot that you want. Just follow this guideline and you'll do great!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

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